Modern Family: Season 10 Episode 1: Review

Never in the History of television has a show
fallen from grace as much as Modern Family.

The opening episode of Season 10 was as bad
as television can get.

There was no growth for any of them, the
acting was so over the top, that it was at
the cringe worthy stage.

Who the hell did the make up for Hayley, she
is a 26 year old woman, and it was like it was
the first time she has ever put on lipstick.

We had Julie Bowen, way over acting as
Claire being a couch potatoe, we had Disney
making sure that Ariel would be covered up
because Disney girls apparently  don't have breasts,
I wonder why Ariel Winter doesn't have a word
to them about body shaming,  I guess her pay
cheques comfort her.

Then we had the storyline of Manny for some
reason, has a fear of driving over bridges.

The less said about  dressing up Jay in an
outrageous outfit the better,  the hotdog
eating competition didn't work, the only
saving grace was the only part about
Modern Family that still works,  and
that is Cam and Mitch.

Also is it just me,  or is the kid actor
who plays Joe going to end up like
the kid actor from the 1999 Star Wars
and the kid actor that played Ben
Stiller's son in Night of the Museum.

In the words of comic book guy...

Worst episode ever.



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