Garth Brooks Triple Live Fan Mix Album Review

10/10 The most authentic Live album in History. Garth Brooks has scored a grand slam with this one. Even if you just listen to it normally without adjusting your speakers or headphones to either make Garth or the crowd louder, this Live album will go down as one of the greats. His Voice, the band, the crowd, the emotion, Triple Live has such a LIVE feel to it, close your eyes and you will be back there at one of his concerts. Sometimes Live albums come across as too muffled, or too over produced, and it loses what the artist is like in concert. With Triple Live, Garth Brooks has not only set the bar for a live album, but has game changed the Live Album industry. This free fan mixed offered by Ticketmaster for a short time, is a gift from Garth Brooks to say thanks for his record breaking tour, Triple Live will come out in the fall with more songs. This live version has 26 songs, the highlight for me being, his version of George Strait's The Fire...