Words fail me, but I'm going to write something anyway. I kinda blame society for thinking that kids taking Selfie's is a great idea, and it breeds confidence, I actually think it breeds obnoxious. I was in a pub/restaurant not so long ago, and this group of people were there, mainly adults, ages ranged from about 65 to around 12. They were all nicely dressed, there were two kids, one a girl in her teens and a boy aged about 12, he seemed to be better dressed than the adults, he had one of those bowler hats on. Anyway, I was there with my group, there were two other groups there at the time. This kid had decided to play a rather loud game on his cell phone, loud enough that everyone else turned around to see where the noise was coming from, he for some reason, was nodding his head up and down saying "Yeah yeah" like he just achieved something really important. I looked around every so often, as other people did, and he was talking to other people at this table, but he...
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