Ted Cruz is Gone
Today is a day to celebrate around the world.
The biggest threat to Gay and Lesbian and Transgender
rights, has been defeated.
The biggest threat to peace has been defeated.
The biggest threat to woman's rights has been defeated.
The biggest threat to climate change has been defeated.
The biggest threat to Choice has been defeated.
The biggest threat to Health Care has been defeated.
The biggest threat to common decency has been defeated.
The biggest threat to civil rights has been defeated.
Ted Cruz is the most dangerous
politician alive today.
His hatred for anyone who isn't a straight male
Christian is beyond belief.
His views on the gay community, his views on woman,
his views on rape, his views on teens, belongs in the
middle ages not 2016.
Ted Cruz would've been the first person to burn a
person at the stake in the middle ages for being a witch.
I guarantee you, right now he is blaming his PR team,
the public, the media for his defeat.
Worst of all, he will be blaming his wife and his kids for
not supporting him enough.
That so called accidental elbow and punch after his
defeat today, would've been purposely done, he
needed someone to take out his frustrations on.
This Narcissist, self righteous, privileged, sense of entitlement
he has, just makes my skin crawl.
Bible in one hand, preaching to his followers, how decent he is,
well Ted Cruz, a decent person don't have such hate in
them for anyone who is different.
The mental gymnastics that the religious right must do to
support him is staggering.
So we are now left with Trump versus Hillary.
The world is hoping that it's Hillary.
I'm hoping that it's Hillary.
The first Woman president will be an amazing
Fingers and toes are crossed.
Time will tell.
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