"The Space Between us" The Most Boring Pathetic Movie in History?

The Space between us. The US version due for release in August, will have to be the most boring pathetic movie ever filmed. I've only seen the trailer and I despise this movie than the TV show "Super Fun Night". There have been some BS movies in the past, but seriously this should win the Oscar for the biggest BS in History. Steven Spielberg wouldn't even do a movie like this, and hes been making BS for year. So what do we have, a spunky 16 year old kid, born on Mars, but now headed back to earth, has fallen in love with a girl on the internet. But his heart will only work on mars, so does this girl go to back to mars with him. Whoooooo!!! I bet there's a lot of mean adults who don't understand their love and will try and stop them. I also bet once again, they're Disney teens, hand holding, maybe a kiss on the lips. (No Tongue this is PG 13) Movies like this, make me ill, they shouldn't be allowed to exist. I bet the studio is pumping millions into ad...