Jeff Green and the New Zealand NBL

Jeff Green is the Rangers coach and he hasn't changed one
bit since he was the Hutt Valley Lakers Coach in the mid

He loves banter with the crowd, he also loves to take the
p*ss out of the refs, like he did last night at the Nelson
Giants versus Super City Rangers game.

You see Jeff loves to walk on the court, and not  just one
step over the yellow line, he really loves to walk on the court,
I mean walking towards half court, now normally you would
think a Ref with half a brain would call a tech, but it doesn't
seem to be the case when it's Jeff Green.

Towards the end it got to the satirical stage, the crowd was
screaming at the Refs to get him off the court, he turned around and
mocked the crowd copying them  chanting "Get off the court Jeff".

He then did a little dance, all in front of the Refs. The Ref decided
his best course of action would be to wet himself  laughing.

There's been talk about the standard of the Refs in the NBL,
and this proves all the negative press has been right.

Sure we do want colorful coaches like Green, but there
has to be a standard where the coaches aren't allow to break
such a simple rule.

Here's hoping Basketball New Zealand will look into it.

Time will tell.


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