
Showing posts from June, 2019

Is the New Zealand Basketball League ready for a Resurgence

Yes, yes it is. My very first Basketball  game  I attended was in 1983, I hopped on my little Raleigh 20 and biked to the game, and fell in love with the sport. Little did I know that New Zealand also would end up loving the sport. The following few years, our little arenas would be packed out for every game, those with season tickets (like myself) were lucky, the Canterbury Rams would end up virtually selling out every game over a three year period. The imports were the stars, Clyde the Glide Huntly shooting from the outside, the big men like Ben Antony, Willie Burton, players like  Ronnie Joyner Kenny Perkins, Kerry Bogani, Kenny McFadden, wowed the crowds, as fans couldn't contain their excitement. Our own Kiwi players soon became stars, John and Stan Hill,  Dutchie  Radermakers, Bert Knops and the great Gilbert Gordon. Then the TV coverage started to happen, highlight packages on a  Sunday sports show, Live coverage of the final, kiwis started to notice...