In true Garth Brooks fashion, there was no announcement from Garth Brooks on June 1st. Fans now must wait till the next Studio G, which is schedule for June 4th. If his recent track record stays the same, there may not be a Studio G on June 4th. Garth Brooks may of been a marketing Whizz in the 90's, but his track record since 2014 in trying to put huge projects together and failing, would see him fired from any middle management job in any firm in the USA. From Croke Park, To Ghost Tunes, to a decent digital platform, to organize the overseas portion of the world tour, now this, what was suppose to be the biggest thing he has ever done, and been talked about for what seems like years, may now not happen. To call it dead in the water, is unfair, we have to wait till Monday, but if this thing doesnt happen, then Garth Brooks seriously has to look at the people he has working for him, he has to look at his advisors, people he trusts th...