Jim Halpert: If he wasn't good Looking

Just wondering, if Jim Halpert from The Office wasn't good looking could the writers made him believable as the nice guy. The Office ran from 2005 to 2013 and Jim and Pam were the heart and soul of the show. Female fans of the show, wrote on message boards, what a nice guy he was, and how they wished they had a boyfriend like Jim. Well I personally think if the role of Jim was played by an unattractive male, the role of Jim wouldn't work, because Jim was well kinda a jerk. The going up to Pam's desk wouldn't be called flirting it would be called Harassment, the pranks on Dwight would be called Bullying, and the cruel pranks on Andy would've made Jim the most hated person on tv. How also would've they written Pam's reaction to what Jim does?? Think for a second, if Jim was played by someone that looked like Kevin, it wouldve been perceived to be creepy. So why do these good looking guys in roles on television seem to be applauded when they bully and harrass, ...